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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19919
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: hamptonw

Member#: 7315
Registered: 22-01-2008
Diary Entries: 61

4th October 2008
Windsurfing: Langstone Harbour
Wind Direction: SW'ly
Wind Stength: F6-7
Surf / Sea State: Choppy
Air Temperature: 13
Sea Temperature: 12
Weather: Blustery, Rainy
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Had an OK session at Langstone harbour on my 4.7- stacked at times. Got to play with the new wave board, but the wind was very gusty, and in the holes I was sinking up to my knees! So changed up to the Rocket 61 and had some fun on that - blasted out to the island and back a few times, but I never really felt comfortable. I think I just don't like Langstone... don't think I'll bother travelling all that way for a high tide in future. I'm also quite surprised how much difference there weeks off the water has made. I was making some silly mistakes. Still, better than my Sunday session....!

My mate Julian had a good day and considering he hasn't sailed for 3 months was surprisingly confident. He's almost planing now...
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